Michal Kravčík

Michal Kravčík is a water management engineer. He graduated from the Civil Engineering Faculty of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. He has worked for 8 years at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He promotes ecological solutions for integrated river basin management.

Michal Kravčík

Michal Kravčík is a Slovak hydrologist and environmentalist. He was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in 1999, for his contributions to the management of the Torysa River. He graduated at the Civil Engineering Faculty of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. He worked for 8 years at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He promotes ecological solutions for integrated river basin management. Michal has published numerous works, including "New Water Paradigm – Water for the Recovery of Climate" in 2007. He is a founding member and Chairman of non-government organization People and Water.

Michal Kravčík on advaya