Eliana Champutiz

Eliana has founded several collective spaces for audiovisual work for and by Indigenous Peoples such as the Corporation of Audiovisual Producers, the Association of Audiovisual Creators of Indigenous Nations and Peoples, ACAPANA and CORPANP respectively. At the international level, she is a member of the Latin American Coordinator of Cinema and Communication of Indigenous Peoples.

Eliana Champutiz

Eliana is Executive Producer and Head of Production of several shorts and feature films, as well as TV Series in Ecuador. As a cultural manager, she has developed projects to strengthen ancestral memory and intergenerational dialogue with a focus on territorial origin.

She has also participated in various advocacy platforms for the construction of cultural policies, collective rights, women’s rights and the right to communication.

Eliana also has experience in management and public administration as General Technical Coordinator of the Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual, as well as Director of Cinematography of the Ministry of Culture of Ecuador.Eliana Champutiz is a Social Communicator, Audiovisual Producer and Cultural Manager of the Binational Pasto People (Colombia / Ecuador)

Eliana Champutiz on advaya